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Department of Economic Development – Ajman
Al Hamrani: “Innovative efforts in the field of sustainability” 168 Intellectual Property of Ajman DED for a Sustainable Future

Al Hamrani: “Innovative efforts in the field of sustainability” 168 Intellectual Property of Ajman DED for a Sustainable Future

Monday, 30 October 2023

The Department of Economic Development in Ajman (Ajman DED) continues its steady steps to enhance the sustainability and attractiveness of the emirate by supporting innovations and innovators, developing an effective system to consolidate its practices in all economic sectors, and creating a competitive and flexible investment environment in line with enhancing its global competitiveness and increasing the opportunities to attract investors and entrepreneurs. It also enhances the Emirate’s position on the regional and global investment map. 

In detail, the total number of Ajman DED intellectual properties amounted to 168 property rights in various vital and economic fields, which contributed to spreading the concept of innovation, which constitutes a basic foundation for keeping pace with global changes, and consolidates Ajman’s pioneering position and leadership. The number of intellectual properties it acquired in the field of investments reached 82 property rights, the most important of which is the Investment Map, the Single Window, the small and medium-sized projects and enterprises program “Taziz” and the “Riyadah” program for practicing home-based activities, and achieved 54 intellectual property rights in the field of technology and digital transformation, while 9 intellectual property rights were registered in the names of its employees, and 23 properties were registered for innovative ideas that were registered in the names of members and graduates of its specialized programs. This initiative is to be a driver of a sustainable economy, a factor of success and prosperity, and a source of well-being for all today and tomorrow. 

In this regard, H.E. Abdullah Ahmed Al Hamrani, Director General, directed attention to the role played by intellectual property, saying: “The intellectual property sector is one of the main engines for stimulating creativity and innovation and supports progress in the areas of the knowledge-based economy. Similar to our role in commercial protection, the protection systems developed by Ajman DED have succeeded in playing a major role in protecting innovation and creativity, which serves the investment environment, giving it a competitive advantage in attracting investments, given the great importance that companies and institutions attach to the issue of intellectual property rights.” 

He pointed out that intellectual property has become an urgent requirement to preserve technological and intellectual achievements. He said: “Today we are witnessing the emergence of technologies that will have a decisive impact on the intellectual property scene. Artificial intelligence (AI) and the data economy are working to change community’s thinking. Therefore, just as we are careful about our property and gains, we are more careful about the property and achievements of the business community, and we work to protect their rights and take measures to confront infringements on rights holders, which helps companies launch and expand their business portfolio.” 

On the other hand, Ajman DED celebrated the registration of 4 property rights for innovative ideas for a group of young national cadres, which constitutes a stimulating motivation for creativity and innovation. These projects; "Converting CO2 into Energy", the "Smart Waste Capsule", the "Smart Guide Project Guide", and the "BIZEN 2050 Project", are an indication of the Ajman DED interest in sustainable projects and its commitment to adopting and enabling a broad base of national competencies to establish and start their projects. 

On this occasion, Al Hamrani referred to the Department’s efforts to develop the capabilities and competencies of young national cadres to build their careers in the field of innovation and creativity, especially in light of the shift towards a knowledge economy based on creativity and innovation with experienced and skilled national minds and hands, which will contribute effectively and positively to achieving sustainable development at all levels. This has a positive impact on the environment and investment climate in the emirate, in addition to the fact that it will consolidate Ajman’s position as a premier destination for entrepreneurs and innovative emerging projects. It will work to create the future rather than anticipating it. 

For their part, the young innovators shared their experiences and talked about the journey of their projects. They also expressed their thanks and gratitude to Ajman DED for providing them with the opportunity to grow, and for the guidance, advice, and support they granted, which culminated in registering the rights to their intellectual works, stressing the continuation of the approach until their projects are achieved on the ground.